At BA, we aim to provide representation, guidance, and community for the industry. We pride ourselves on working hard in Washington on behalf of the industry, and we hope that you will consider joining BA. Kristin Smith, CEO

Around Washington

The policymaking process, shaped by the interplay of politics, government, and industry players, and the structural processes available to achieve change, is decidedly messy. Our team knows and works with the right people to advance smart policies and block harmful ones. Through education, direct advocacy, congressional testimony, and coalition building, we work to ensure the industry’s priorities are reflected in policy, which we can do on your behalf or alongside you.

Member benefits
  • Representation before Congress and key regulators
    when you’re too busy to advocate.
  • Policy analysis of key legislation.
  • Summary memos following critical hearings on Capitol Hill.
  • Lobby days, Hill visits, and educational briefings for you
    and your team to directly engage with Washington policymakers.
  • Political strategy for you and your organization’s executives.

In the Courts

The crypto industry faces wide-ranging public policy challenges, and digital assets and decentralized networks do not fit neatly into existing legal and regulatory frameworks. We serve as the voice of our members in the courts by filing amicus briefs, which help educated judges on issues core to our industry, and by submitting comments in response to proposed regulations, a critical way that members can have their voices heard not only in the legislative process, but also in the administrative and regulatory process.

Member benefits
  • Amicus briefs to educate judges on core industry issues.
  • Active litigation to protect our members
    and industry when government oversteps.
  • Opportunity to participate in industry feedback
    on draft comment letters, legislation, and other documents.
  • Regular members-only briefing calls to provide
    the latest information regarding major legal
    and policy developments.
  • Continuing Legal Education for topics relevant to our industry.

Across the Industry

Media and public attention around our industry continues to grow. We’re here to keep you informed, make strategic media connections, and provide valuable resources for your internal team.

Member Benefits
  • Monthly calls with the full Blockchain Association staff.
  • Working Groups to develop smart policies with industry consensus.
  • Member-only website portal to access the latest memos and newsletter and to stay up-to-date on upcoming events and calls.
  • Weekly member-only newsletter to stay up-to-date on the state of play in Washington, upcoming events, and other news of the day.
  • Thought leadership and networking opportunities in Washington, D.C., and at industry events.
  • Access to a members-only jobs board to post your open positions and reach industry job seekers.
  • Office space in Washington, D.C., when you’re in town.
  • Invitation to BA’s annual Policy Summit, an exclusive members-only event, featuring discussions with key policymakers regulators, and industry leaders.


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